menstrual cycle magic
the online course every woman needs.
I wish for every single woman to learn and know more about her menstrual cycle.
to learn how wonderful it is,
how incredibly powerful our bodies are,
how we can understand and use our energy and the knowledge about our cycle in daily life.
- to connect deeper with our bodies
- to understand what’s going on
- to find compassion and love for ourselves through working with the magic of our menstrual cycle.
what you get:
5 videos to work through in your own time
teachings about the 4 phases of your menstrual cycle from a holistic perspective
cycle tracker sheet that helps you understand your own cycle, symptoms and patterns

for the woman who…
… wants to understand her menstrual cycle from a holistic perspective
… wants to learn more about how she can support her body and her energy throughout her cycle
… is ready to get to know her body better and understand how her hormones work
… wants to know more about healthy routines (food, movement,…) that support her energy in every phase of her cycle
… might struggle with PMS (pre-menstrual symptoms), painful periods, not feeling connected to her body at all
… sees her menstrual cycle as an “annoying thing” and is open for a new perspective
… wants to understand better what her emotions and feelings throughout her cycle are telling her