essential oils
supporting my physical, emotional, mental health with 100% pure & natural essential oils.
the power of nature in a bottle
100% pure and natural
no chemicals, no toxins
just the full power of mother nature
Some years ago it became a big thing that suddenly everybody realized that there’s aluminium in most of our deodorants, which can be a main factor when it comes to breast cancer. For me this was the starting point of going deeper and collecting information about all the beauty products that most of us use in their daily lives.
I got quite into this exploration, spending hours checking all the ingredients of the products I used and that were offered in any store around me. What I found out was shocking: almost all of the products contained either some kind of hormone-disruptive ingredient, chemicals that are known to promote cancer and just lots of ingredients like palm oil, which is just terrible for the environment.
so I started looking for alternatives, and found my way to the most natural and pure essential oils that exist - the ones from dōTERRA. I started using them in my daily life, creating my own shampoo and skincare. And I explored further, realizing how much they can also support my emotional and mental health, by making me check in with myself more, asking the right questions (every essential oil has a specific meaning which can tell you a lot about what’s going on if you feel drawn towards that oil). And one of the most mind-blowing realizations for me is that most of these 100% pure dōTERRA oils can also be used internally, to support our health also from the inside.
Let me tell you, this was an absolute game-changer for me. having a fully natural alternative to any kind of remedy that I used to use before having the oils, was such a huge change for me. Not only did it make me realize how much we can actually support ourselves with nature, but it also really helped me to develop more trust into the healing powers of my body and get to know the signs that my body gives me.
for me, this is the easiest and best way to support my health in any situation.
there’s an oil to support my digestion, one to support natural detoxification, one that can support when there’s muscle tension, etc.
I started using the oils through buying a set of 10 essential oils and a diffuser, and I can highly recommend that for everybody who wants to implement more natural ways of supporting their overall health.
Just have a look over the following link and choose the oils you want to order, or let’s have a chat if you’re not sure what is the best fit for your needs!